Michael P. Betancourt

A tribute from: Leanne Betancourt, Donor Wife

I Will Forever Love You

My husband, Mike, and I were only together for a short amount of time, and not nearly enough time for our then 5 month old son (also named Michael). Mike was a incredibly good and kind man, he wanted nothing more then to have a son of his own and his own family. Mike got just that, while working and going to school full time, Mike still maintained a 4.0 GPA in school and still had time to come home and be a incredible father and husband. Then on the morning of July 17, 2011, everything changed. Mike died of a massive heart attack at the young age of 28, this was a shock to the whole family. There had never been any problems or any heart disease in the family. As hard as the next few hours and days were, I was faced with a extremely challenging list of things to do. One question that was asked that day was to donate my husbands cornea, skin, tissue, and anything else that could be used to help possibly save someone elses life or help better the quality of some other persons life. As much as this question came off to me as literally a knife through my heart, because I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened in the past 8 hours, I decided that my husband would have wanted to do this, no question asked. He would want some part of him to still be alive and have a story to tell his one and only son. I believe that my husband will live on somewhere and I hope that he has helped someone out there better their life, I miss him more then words can even begin to describe, but he also has given me the best gift of all “MY SON”. RIP Michael Patrick Betancourt, Decemeber 30, 1982- July 17, 2011.