Andrew VanWieren – 2/19/24

A tribute from Samantha, Andrew's sister

Andrew is my younger brother, he was only 17 for a couple months before he passed. He was smart, witty, funny, hardworking, wore his heart on his sleeve, and was loved by everyone who got the chance to know him. One of the last memories I have of my brother is him looking into my eyes before he took his own life for reasons I don’t think our family will ever truly understand and we miss him SO incredibly much.

There are now two young men, one in Illinois and one in Michigan, who can see because of my brother’s tissue and I would love to be able to either meet or get to know them. I am truly grateful that this company has been able to help other families and their loved ones but from one family to another we miss our Andrew and are grateful he still gets to live on in a way.

If there’s anyone reading this who is struggling with their mental health YOU are important, YOU are loved, and YOU are deserving of all the good things the world has to offer. The bad days may be inevitable but almost needed in a way because when those good days happen it makes them just that much sweeter. If you need help or someone to talk to, please, have no shame in asking for it because after all we are all only human.

With much love from a sister who loves and misses her brother dearly,
Sammie VanWieren

Image of donor Andrew VanWieren